Friday, October 31, 2008

you need to relax... and study... lol

Days ago, we had a crazy night ... we all know that finals will start on the week after next..
I don't know why and what had propelled us to go KTV some more... lol after 3 hours of singing session, we went to KFC around 2am... That was the way to relax yourself and try not to think of the finals. Ya we need to face it but then sometimes, relaxation is needed. blah blah ... excuses. So, the next day we all woke up around 11 am and went to library to study after lunch. That was indeed a crazy night for me.

BUT BUT !!! in order to compensate for what I've done on that crazy fun-filled night..
I went to Bintang Plaza today and study !!! hahahahaha So proud of it..Me, yy and wei zhe decided to go there to have some pizzas and to study in Starbucks. No need to say, we had a good lunch at Pizza Hut except for the sausage I've ordered.

This was what I got... so cacat...

This was what I was expected to have... -_-''''
please Pizza Hut... Don't put it if you can't do it.

After that... Starbucks ING... hahaha... Starbucks was opened last month I think.
Been waiting for it since the first sem I came here. Yup, Coffee Bean does exist, but not my type.
lol... We went to Starbucks and studied for.. 6 to 7 hours I think.. Good time in there and we were very concentrating in our studies.. haha no joke !!!!!!
but then... It was a 'expensive' reading area... I spent around RM 30 on two drinks..

The Gree Tea ice blended

Mocha, ice blended

wah... so nice.. haha anyway... finals... coming soon ...
So... no more movies,drama and ... KTV .. lol

good luck everyone...

1 comment:

Ryan said...

The picture is for illustration purpose only. Don't expect so much. xD
and the Sausage you ordered... doesn't look so appertizing ><"
Well, but I guess taste well.

anyway.. goodluck in your final examination. =)