Saturday, May 23, 2009

wasn't my fault

It wasn't my fault at all~ been struggling for marketing this whole semester~
pathetic huh~ didn't manage to get the mark I expected from the beginning.
Well the new lecturer is an asshole in fact, she's a FRESH graduate from our school.
I thought I could have be in love with Marketing when I attended the first Marketing lecturer
conducted by our Dean of SOB. Sorry to say, that ass actually proved me wrong, marketing isn't that fun. Finally, submitted my marketing (last assignment) group plan yesterday. What to say,
not a good one for me~ I did my best so what ? Someone actually denied my work. sigh ...
I could have scored more in my tutorial. Thanks to my Fresh graduate mkt lecturer~
Thank you so much NOOB ! for putting me in this rotten position. What the F.. For this whole semester,mkt tutorials, pointless for me right ? Try to put yourself in my position, and think ! OMG..

ok, back to me, the above post wasn't really from me, it was from me(no EQ) actually. hehe
My brain has been sucked dry in Starbucks last night when I was trying so hard
to memorize all those facts and cases from Law contract. Darn it~ Now worrying for my damn mkt. lol
anyway, no point to worry. I'll just have to study smart and pray hard... hahaha

Dear God,
please punish those who did bad things and award those who did good.


Sunday, May 3, 2009


gosh, 2.40am...
Another night~ guess what, its Monday
I could barely keep my eyes close~
Thinking of what I've done for the past few months~
hmm... well, nothing ! lol
Thinking things to be done, assignments to be submitted,
and exams to be finished~ shit...
This semester, I just can't deny the difficulties I'm facing~
It's hard though

So, a brilliant idea came to me , and I was thinking to travel alone.
But I couldn't... after my consideration and hesitation... I've decided to keep quiet~

I know !
It was like watching a priceless opportunity slipping away from my sight~
Well, the most important thing was that I did not hurt anyone.
It wasn't easy to open your mouth and ask for money to fulfill our own selfish desire~
It's not my style anyway~ especially the bad economics we're all facing now~
okie, now I know what is opportunity cost~ WTH

okie, seems like it's a byebye to Tassie trip this time, but somewhere else awaits~
I believe someday in the future,
I'm going to travel somewhere else, far far away from here..

recently, hesitation has become a part of my life~
hesitating to make one important decision that could change my life~ like forever...
okie, this one is a vital one... I still need time to reconsider again and again~

There were moments and times I'd been through that took so many things away from me~
There were things and people that caused me to stay away from them~
anyway, whatever... who cares anyway ?

I've got so many things and job to do~
I've divided my life into 5 parts~ ok, God is in my life , He's in every vital part of my life~
so here it goes...

Family 25, Friends 20, Career 20, Dreams 15, Love 20

When things happen in one of those categories, I'll just have to distract myself and start
focusing on another part of my life, isn't ? Easy huh ?
Well, I'm just gonna learn to stay focus in one part at the right moments..
Of course, things might be different as we grow up and as we go on~
Right now, I'm focusing in 3 parts... I won't tell anyway~ It doesn't matter also...

What's yours ?