I'll probably fail my semester if I didn't put in more efforts for my 3 freaking hard mid-term exams next week. Banking Law 30% on Monday, Macroeconomics 20% on Wednesday and Finance 40% on Thursday. It's basically the worst week I'll have to deal with after years in Curtin. Super busy right now where I still managed to squeeze myself a little bit of time and waste it here in my blog where I could actually lie on my bed for a while~ lol I've redefined the word 'busy'~ Yes, I'm busy.. but it doesn't mean that I'm stressed right ? I'm stressed and it doesn't mean that I'm busy... huh?!
Anyway, I'll be fully prepared before Monday~
yeah, going back to JB on Friday~ It's a true holiday for me then, food food food food food and my super comfortable bed... lol~ oh God, please give me the knowledge and wisdom to deal with it~ and things happening around me, I hope I can handle it well. Till then~
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