Curtin Carnival- Curtin Photography Club's committee.....
Joseph,YY,Jet Chin,Jasmine,Khe Han, Wei Zhe, Victor, Larry,Joe,
Heng Siang... (Kally)
JB F4 (Joseph,YY,Joe,Khe Han) + KaChong
Johor Kia = F4 + Wei Zhe and Jet Chin
The most popular game in Curtin Open Day gay
what u looking at ?
Jet Chin and I...
JB F4 !!!! hahaha
out booth ....
the Best-selling Muachi !
mua chi !... sold out before 3pm !!! hahahaha
Fun-filled Saturday ! Unlike last year's Open Day, this time, we've got even stronger team for our club to make a better booth than last year.... We've got Muachi, Insanequarium and Fong Fei Kei, a new game 'imported' by Heng Siang from West Malaysia... lol ... Unexpectedly, Muachi was the best selling food and most popular stuff and were all sold out before 3pm... We thought that no one will come for Muachi but then... suprisingly, Muachi = best selling food... There were nothing much we could say as we only cooked in a very little portion... As I said before, we will only care for our club's reputation not profit, darn... and it actually turned up to be real... since I said I only care about reputation, and we didn't earn a single cent and don't have enough money to cover back our cost... so... conclusion, loss.. for around RM150+...
But again, honestly, we really enjoyed every moment in the booth and we cooperated very well...
Thank you committee ....
that's all.. too tired for uploading photo... next time maybe...